Wednesday, March 4, 2015

National Marching Arts Day

National Marching Arts Day

I still cannot believe that it has been three-years since I was last on the floor. I miss it every single day. What I would give for a stretch block or maybe a 5 and 5...maybe. But despite the pain from 14-hour rehearsals, the huge expenses and costs, the long drives to Connecticut, the drama and politics, the non-free weekends, and complaining, marching has made such a huge, positive impact on my life. It helped me understand time-management, responsibility, team work, friendship, trust, and pure happiness (and not to mention how to put fake eyelashes on!) Dedicating 12-years to this activity gave me reasons to look forward to something, to work hard, strive for perfection and excellence, be willing to put blood, sweat, tears, and broken ribs, toes, and fingers on the line for my team, and helped me escape from the realities of life. Today, we celebrate this activity and all that it has done for many other performers like me. Without it, I do not think I'd be who I am today or where I am today.

Alter Ego . Field of View . PhiOmegaVega . Delazure . University of Delaware . Visual Arts Production Company . Newark


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