Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teton Peak #3 - Attempting Mt. St. John

After Static and Albright, yesterday, I was a little iffy about going on another mega-adventurous hike. I mean, hiking to Static and Albright in a 12-hour day with 17-miles of ascending and descending 5,000+feet really put some stress on my knees. But to be given another really good weather day in the Tetons, you have to consider pushing yourself for another hike through the Tetons. So, it was decided to try...and I am going to emphasize, TRY to summit or at least hike up Mount St. John.

Since we started at 9:30am (a little late for a 5,000+ft elevation gain), we got to the connection of String and Jenny Lake, followed the Jenny Lake trail towards the boat dock at Cascade Canyon, and found the flaggstaffed rocks that outlined the base of Hanging Canyon trail (there is also a 'H.C.' and an arrow pointing in the direction of the trail engraved/carved in the tree at the start of it).

Myself, Marc and one of his fellow-mountain bike guide, Jeff, all started on the trail up Hanging Canyon. The grade is much steeper than Static and there were much more rocks to climb over. About an hour into the hike up the canyon, that's when I started to feel it - the tightness above, around, and below the ball of my left knee. Crap. I decided to tell the two boys I could not keep up with them, so they took the lead as I hobbled slowly up with my trekking poles. But, I kept pushing forward.

Up in Hanging Canyon!
Looking Down on Jenny Lake!
We Encountered a Marmot, Who Was Not Afraid to Get Too Close!
I Mean, Look How Close Marc Was Getting To Him!?
The Marmot and I Even Shared an Intimate Almost Kiss! Just Kidding!
Photo Credit to Marc Sweet
After another hour, my knee was at a 6-7 out of 10 on my pain level...and it got to the point where I told the boys that when we got to one of the lakes, they could proceed up to the summit without me. Marc then decided that he did not want to leave me, so it was then we would just stop at one of the lakes and then proceed back down. The summit could wait.

Note: If you do proceed towards the summit, head to The Lake of Crags - where the lake pinches like a peanut, head north between the two prominent fins, this will get you to the top. When you hit the top of the ridge, hike the ridge east and that's when you'll make it to the summit! (Remember this for next time!)

Arrowhead Pool at Elevation 9,200-feet.
Jeff, Marc, & I at Arrowhead Pool
Elevation 9,200-ft.
Photo Credit to Jeff Silliman
Looking Up Towards Symmetry Spire, Rock of Ages, Ramshead Lake & the Lake of Crags, and Mount St. John.
(From Left to Right)

Western Sheepmoth
Photo Credit to Marc Sweet
On our decent back down after having lunch at Arrowhead Pool, we encountered some really cool wildlife - like a western sheepmoth! But let me just say, the descent was much worse than the ascent for my knees....looks like theChristyBel should not hike summits two days in a row...must take a day or two break before another long trek. Deal.

When Your Knee Hurts and You Have To Go Over a Log - This is The Process You Should Take!
Photo Credit to Marc Sweet
Nerding Out Over a Western Sheepmoth
Photo Credit to Marc Sweet
Overall, despite the knee stress and pain, it was another beautiful day to be hiking in the GTNP. And the whole not summiting Mount St. is still one of my top 3-favorite Teton mountains, and gives me another excuse to always come back and try again!


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