Friday, February 6, 2015

A Taste of the Jurassic Past

This afternoon, the graduate assistantship I am working with was having an interest/recruitment meeting. The University's Geology Museum was awesome enough to host/house our event! The event went fairly well. We were prepared to have 20-25 interests attend, however, only 5-students showed up. No worries. The program is still relatively new and small, so I hope that more turn out will progress over time. But anyways, before and after the event, I was able to help set up and break down our event's equipment...and...check out the museum. I love that place, I go there all the time, and just find something new and awesome to nerd over. I've also developed a great relationship with the museum program's curator, Laura. She is fan-freaking-tastic! She showed me the specimen room and lab, where they have the actual dinosaur bones that are still in the casts. They are super cool, and yes, I may have geeked out since I was in the presence of millions of years old bones from HUGE dinos! Don't judge! But they are looking for volunteers to come in and basically, sort through these casts, pick out the actual bone, and glue the pieces together (like a huge and complicated jigsaw puzzle). If only I had the time, I would totally do it! Until then, I was able to touch the bone and LICK a piece (that is how you can tell if it is bone or not - it will sort of stick to your tongue!) Best day of my life...maybe when I get most of my paper for my Masters completed, I'll volunteer 1-day a week! Here's to hoping!


Diplodocus Bone - From the Thoracic/Shoulder Area

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