Wednesday, December 31, 2014

So Long, 2014!

I cannot believe 2014 flew by so fast. I distinctly remember returning to the Tetons for my spring semester thinking I had all the time in the world going through this Forever West journey. Now...2015 is here, I have 1/4 of this 2-year graduate school journey left, and I am more than confused on what I want to do with my future endeavors! It's crazy how fast this time has come and left us!

This blog I have kept for 2-years now (and with 161-entries for 2014 alone) is really convenient when I want to look back and reflect on my year's journey. So many things have happened: from new activities and sports (and actually liking them!), to prioritizing my goals and needs (like art), to immersing myself in expanding the community I want to be in, and to gain deeper love for my curiosity of life and love myself. There were a lot of challenges, a whole darn lot, but despite those times where I thought I could not over come them and most of the time...did, I do not think I would change any of it if I could go back. Things happen for a reason, and from those experiences, you learn from them, you grow from them, and you put them into other new experiences, and you define who you are. And with 2014 under my belt, I can admit I did not really know most of myself to the extent that I do now. It's a good thing, and I am excited to use 2015 as an opportunity to keep defining TheChristyBel.

A New Year, Some New Goals?!? Of course, part of the New Year experience, is not just ringing in a new year with wonderful friends and family, but setting yourself up for success in the upcoming year. Yesterday morning, while I was updating my blog with my adventures back on the East, my friend Brenna shared a link on Facebook. I came across this website link about 15-New Years Resolutions that we should consider being proactive on. These resolutions are not the usual 'Lose 15-pounds before summer,' 'Go to the Gym at Least 3-times a week,' and 'Dedicate at least 20-minutes of my day to me.' These resolutions are a remix of mindful awareness pieces about what we should STOP doing in 2015. I know I am totally guilty of many of these and it made me stop and rethink my goals for next year. I know that this past year and well, fall semester, was very challenging, low energy, and low positivity (at times) for me. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and the choices I have made and to make something of it. So maybe I'll take these on with a few other goals I want to set for myself!

 I've placed them in here, but if you wanted to check out the actual page, here it is!
  1. Stop showing and telling everything to everyone.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  3. Stop worrying about what others think of you.
  4. Stop waiting.
  5. Stop doubting.
  6. Stop being a stranger.
  7. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
  8. Stop standing in your own way.
  9. Stop feeling guilty.
  10. Stop thinking money creates value.
  11. Stop feeling obligated.
  12. Stop saying 'yes' all the time.
  13. Stop thinking everything is a competition.
  14. Stop trying to be like everyone else.
  15. Stop thinking you ave to get it right on the first try.
Have a Wonderful New Year Everyone! Be safe, be happy, and enjoy the new year!

Here's to 2015!

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