Saturday, April 9, 2016

Spring Cleaning - The Garage

So Marc and I have been living in this house for about 7-months now. We have made the actual living area of the house pretty much ours. All of our stuff has been placed in their proper places, our artwork decorates our walls, we got a kitty! Included in our lease, we are allowed to use one bay in the garage. Since our landlord lives in the mother-in-law apartment above the garage, much of his extra stuff has been housed in the garage. However, the garage has not really ever seemed ours. There is a whole bunch of his stuff everywhere. So, Marc and I pretty much had enough of the clutter and took it upon ourselves to spruce up the garage. Our landlord stated (when we moved in) that he would clean up the garage. After 7-months of waiting, we decided to just do it all ourselves. We took EVERYTHING out. All of our stuff (pretty much still in our plastic bins), all of his garden equipment, the snowplow, all of the dead and dried firewood, and all his additional junk from the house. It took an hour to get everything out! When everything was cleared, we swept, and placed all of the once cluttered shelves back in the garage (how we wanted them, not to mention making the "sharing" component), and began to reorganize. Did I also mention that the cleared garage echoes when you yelled! crazy! Unfortunately, I did not have before, during, and after photos, but I do have a cleared out picture!

Oh, and also, while the whole cleaning was happening, Tedders caught a vole! A vole! It was definitely traumatized. And we thought this little creature would survive, but once we got it from Ted, we released it, and Ted eventually got it back and well, there is no more vole.

Tedders Caught a Vole
The Capture

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