Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Laramie or Bust!

Monday morning, instead of sleeping in and enjoying the Labor Day Holiday with my closest friends and doing awesome things outside, I cried in Marc's arms as Little Blue was filled with all of my last remains of stuff that I would travel the 6+ hours and the 385-miles east to Laramie, WY.

Let me tell you, I thought it would be difficult to say goodbye to Jackson and those beautiful peaks that I had the honor to call home for the past year. No, it was beyond difficult, it was the worst goodbyes I have ever had to make. Saying so long to the mountains that I have still yet to explore, saying goodbye to bison and moose along the roads, saying goodbye to some friends on Nelson Dr, and saying goodbye to a very special person who has made me smile everyday since they have moved out to Jackson. Monday morning was the worst morning I have had in a long time, and possibly worse than a hangover.

But, hearing the words, 'this is not goodbye, you'll be back, and you're not leaving us' were words of reassurance and light to a cloudy morning. I felt that the whole GYE and Tetons knew I was leaving - I was not even able to see those peaks before I headed southeast - they were covered by clouds. 

Getting To My New Home...
At Least I Got to See Some Awesome Geology Along the Way
An Anticline!
Settling In --- My Living Room / Kitchen
I got to my apartment and was greeted with three large boxes at my door. My furniture had come in! About 2-hours later, I had constructed (all by myself) a futon and a card table/chairs. My little apartment was slowly becoming a home!

My Bedroom --- Don't Mind the UnMade Bed
Perk --- A Walk-In Closet --- I Don't Even Need a Dresser!
All My Clothes Fit Into Those Closet Organizers!
My Very Own Bathroom!
The next morning, still feeling not quite where I should be (thinking I should still be in the Tetons), I walked to class, well Grad Student Orientation. Even though this 8-hour session was filled with some useful and helpful information regarding a student's grad school experience here at the University of Wyoming, it was a lot of review for the TSS grad students - lots of 'What Would You Do' scenarios about teaching and working with students to financial aid assistance and getting involved in the community.

Later that day, not only did I figure out my class schedule (and discover a teaching certification program that will emphasize my Earth Science/Geology background), but I was able to rent a bike for the Fall Semester from the Outdoor Program (for $25), met with my GA faculty, bought my books for the semester, and got a lot of settling in logistics covered and taken care of!

Tomorrow is the start of our first day of classes - really excited for them - I am taking an art class! Beyond super excited for that brain break and to allow the talent in my hands to create some beautiful things!

This transition is going to be tough, the distance back to the Tetons is feeling farther and farther away, but the feeling of being in a college-town is a familiar lifestyle that I am used to (unlike many of my fellow grads in my TSS cohort who have never gone to a big school), so I know that slowly I will be able to get back into this swing of things and accept and let Laramie become my new home (for at least this school year).

Grad School Orientation!
So Here's to Year 2!

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