Saturday, September 20, 2014

Exploring Northern Yellowstone

I am pretty lucky that I only have a class on Thursday mornings and NO CLASSES on Fridays. So with my birthday landing on a weekend, I was able to make my weekend a 3.5-day birthday! Right after Jaimie Henthorn's performance in the Visual Arts building, I already had Little Blue packed and off to Jackson I went.

The drive from Laramie to maybe, Rock Springs was really sunny and pretty flat with some rolling hills in the distance. However, as I got closer to Pinedale, the clouds started getting darker and thicker. By the time I got to Jackson, it was lightning storming and really dark (around 9pm MST when I arrived). However, despite the crazy weather, I was greeted with smiles and hugs from Marc and Smith when I arrived to their house. It was so nice to be back, let me tell you, 2-weeks seemed like an eternity!

The next morning, Marc and I decided to go to Yellowstone National Park for the day. Since I could not go on any major hikes, the next best thing was to visit my favorite national park! So, we packed up Little Blue with some snacks and food for the day, filled her up with gas, stopped by the library to pick up some CDs to jam to on the drive up, and off we went!

On Our Way to Yellowstone! Fall Has Definitely 
First stop was the Mud Volcano Area. This part of Yellowstone is one of my favorites. There is a part of the mud volcano area where the hydrothermal feature is coming out of a cave. So all the steam coming out looks like a dragon's breathing out smoke and the water rippling out is a lapping tongue! It's so cool - not to mention the roar! I've provided a photo for all to enjoy!

Dragon's Breath
Mud volcano was awesome too! It's like a soupy-goop of mud that has been melted and being chemically eroded away from the surrounding rock from the hydrothermal feature. I have provided a video!

Mud Volcano
Churning Volcano - In a Time-Lapse

After stopping for lunch at Fishing Bridge, Marc and I picked up two Yellowstone Junior Ranger packets. This was a fun idea to get us to act like children, fill out these booklets, and hopefully get inducted into the Junior Ranger Program. 

Next, we travelled through Hayden Valley, past Canyon Village, kept going north to along Specimen Ridge and then westward to Mammoth Hot Springs. Ahhhhh! I was so darn excited! Since last time I was up here was in April when there was still snow! 

Oh Man - About to Hike All Around This!
Look at the Deposition From the Travertine!
I'm in Geology Love!
Gorgeous Day Overlooking the Mammoth Hot Springs and Surroundings!
Really Cool Geology Folding!
Travertine Terraces!
A Happy Birthday ChristyBel
So Cool!
As You Can See I Could Not Stop Taking Pictures!
Seeing the Mammoth Hot Springs was such a great way to kick off the 27th Birthday! I was like a little kid in a candy store just wanting to hike over the boardwalks. I am sure Marc enjoyed seeing me nerd out over the geology and just being back in Yellowstone.

Hanging in Yellowstone!
Examining the Travertine Up Close!
Panoramic - Can You See Marc Waving on the Right?
PhotoBombing Some Elk.
After finishing the Junior Ranger Handbook, you must attend at least one guided ranger talk or program. So we decided to participate in the tour of Fort Yellowstone in Mammoth. This was a really cool tour - our guide told us the story of Fort Yellowstone and how this area was the first headquarters for the national parks, in particular, Yellowstone. Seeing all the original buildings being kept in their original conditions, but being used today was really cool. Our guide was incredibly knowledgeable about the history not just in Fort Yellowstone, but about the park in general. Not only did her knowledge highlight her tour, but her passion and love for Yellowstone was quite evident. I love it when guides and rangers put their passions and emotions into their talks. I get so engaged - and can totally nerd out and relate!

Elk Have Taken Over Mammoth Hot Springs
Not only did we get a tour of Fort Yellowstone, but got to see elk take over Mammoth Hot Springs. Fall is the prime-time to see elk go crazy...since it is their mating season, the Rutt, all the males are calling with bugles and grunts trying to round up all their ladies. However, if you get too close, they will charge. And sadly, we did see that happen while in Yellowstone. Cars and individual visitors are getting too close and Marc and I witnessed a bull elk charge a tourist and a few cars.

This just goes to show that visitors need to learn about proximity and respect for wildlife - not just in the national parks, but wherever humans are crossing into wildlife areas. Animals are living, breathing, individuals too that have feelings, attitudes, and will retaliate if threatened or think they are in danger.

On a happier note, after the tour, Marc and I got our booklets checked, signed, and we were sworn into the Yellowstone Junior Ranger Program! How cool! We even got patches!

Being Sworn In With Patches and the Junior Ranger Oath!
Best Trip to Yellowstone and a Great Start Off to theChristyBel Birthday Weekend!

Official Yellowstone Junior Rangers!

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