Sunday, April 5, 2015


Another holiday, where I am not celebrating with family. Not going to lie, it really stinks. I miss being home for holidays. Hanging with the Burton-Juniors, going to Phyllis and Ray's, the Easter Egg 'Hunt' to find YOUR egg...but knowing where everyone else's are, the food!!!!, and just being home. I really miss all of that.

But this year's Easter Sunday, I received a gift in the mail from Mom and Dad. It was one of the infamous treats sent from Mom from the Popcorn Factory. No, it was not another tin! haha. This package was a pyramid of some Easter treats: chocolates, peanuts, and popcorn! Super yummy! It was definitely a wonderful surprise to get this in the mail. Something delicious, colorful, and happy is something that I think is needed as this spring semester winds down and gets closer to the big Defense Day! yikes, it's right around the corner!

On Easter Sunday, Facebook was blowing up with pictures of food, Easter Egg Hunts, chocolate, desserts, and Easter festivities. I was definitely getting pretty homesick. So, I went to Vedauwoo for a nice, long 2-hour hike around the Turtle Rock Trail. The weather has been absolutely wonderful and so the hike was just beyond perfect. The snow has 98% gone, so I was able to use my hiking shoes and not have to worry about post-holing like I have been the past few times I have gone there.

But, I think spring has definitely sprung here in Laramie. The snow is mostly gone (there is some still on the mountain peaks and in areas where not much sun gets in) and there are other signs of spring popping up everywhere.

My hike at Vedauwoo was pretty nice. The weather was great (warm and sunny) - I did not even need a puffy! There were a bunch of people out on the trails too which was nice: lots of families and people getting a morning hike in. As my hike strolled around Turtle Rock, the willows were blooming Pussy Willows (I love those things - you know, the little buds that are absolutely furry!), Mountain Buttercup, and little rodents have come out of hibernation and scurrying everywhere.

Then after my hike when I looped back to the car, I scrambled up the rock to a high point to get some great scenic views. As I sat there on the rock, I heard some rustling down below, and sure enough, a moose was walking through the trees! How cool is that?!? It was pretty neat to watch it trudge through the forest and notice hikers practically walking alongside of them (and they did not even know it!!!!)
Below are some pictures of my hike. Enjoy!

Happy Easter!


My Easter Sunday Mass
No Peeps, No Eggs, No Ham

Happy Easter!

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