Saturday, January 4, 2014

Living the East Coast Dream

The moment finally arrived on Friday, December 20 - the moment I was able to congratulate myself on completing my first semester of graduate school!

I set foot back on my East Coast Homelands around 4:30pm EST, where one of my besties, Brenna was waiting for me at the Philadelphia International Airport!

Oh, Hello, Philadelphia! I've Missed You!
It was such a wonderful feeling and a sense of relief when I saw the skyline. Even though I am not at all a city girl, Philly is always a comforting sight of home!

First Stop - Brew HaHa! Coffee! Delicious!
Of course when I got home, I had to endulge in some East Coast treats, like Brew HaHa! And Wawa! Haha. And of course fitting in as much time with friends, like Brenna, Lana, Tine, Jaclyn, and many DNS people!

I'm Glad my EMS Boys Enjoy My Postcards & Photos!
Another wonderful thing that I got to do was get back into working mode with Eastern Mountain Sports! I am 200% positive the boys enjoyed having a girl back in the store. I mean come on, who else would trot back into 151, put on a. Onesie and dance around the store...this girl! And I totally did on my first shift back!

It was also really touching to see my postcard and photos on the wall in the break room! I guess they did miss me! Haha such a loser I am for being all emotional about this!

Christine & Christy
Friendship Established in 1999!
Being back for only 2 weeks was clearly not enough time to work, visit with friends and family, and complete a long bucket list of east coast wishes. But what I did do was make sure I was busy my entire stay! Never sitting around!

Home is Where the Wawa Is!
On the second weekend of my stay, Luke and I traveled to Asbury Park, NJ for the night to visit with my wifey, Kelsey! So excited to see her!

Forever in Love with New Jersey!
Even though I am not a true blood, Jersey girl, I still feel this is a second comfort of home for me (despite former relationships that brought me there in the first place).

Mogo Taco Fix
As soon as I got into AP, we had to introduce Luke to Mogo Tacos and check out and support the grand opening on the new shop! By far the best tacos ever!

Wifeys Reunited!
Later that night, we hit up the town like old times. Checked out some oldies but goodies as well as some new bars. Very fun!

Bar Hopping in Asbury Park!
We're Cute as a Button!
I am so happy I got to see Kelsey! I miss her so much! Despite how crazy and terrible he circumstances were on how we met 2013 brought me to one of my newest best friends! It kills me That we are so far away from each other!

The day before New Years, I took a hike at Ashland Nature Center with Tracey, her husband Glynn, and two of my favorite children ever, Kaylen and William! A great morning hike catching up and playing! I even took a stroll to my favorite secret spot ever, my tree. As a child  to when I needed a break from my desk in the nature center, this tree was my go to and escape!

My Favorite Place on Earth!
Not only did I see my tree, but had a Delaware Nature Society reunion with staff and my fellow interns, Brittany, Austin, and the newest addition to our DNS Family, baby Micah! Micah is by far the cutest babies of all time! His Auntie Christy loves him so much!

The Fantastic Foursome - With Newly Inducted Baby Micah!
Also the day before I leave, the east coast recorded about 7 inches of snow! Very appropriate as I prepared to head back west, as well as I needed snow to do snow density data research for my Winter Ecology class back in the Tetons!

Doesn't Feel Like the Holidays Without Snow!
Saying goodbye to everyone just after reconnecting with them 2 weeks earlier was such a tease! I mean, I'm ready to continue with school, but not at all ready to have to get up and leave home. I cannot wait until my winter break is a month long and not two weeks!

Brandon & I
EMS Represent!
My heart will always head East,


  1. Too bad that the "Dream Teamers" werer on vacation at the same time you were in the area. We would have loved to seen you and introduced you Evan, if you haven't met him already. We'll be back at it Wednesday as we work to finish off the new BeeHive display shed at Coverdale Farm.

  2. Ah!!! I miss you so much wifey! Thank gawd we met last year when we did - I don't know what I would've done without you <3 I can't wait until we can be reunited for more than 1 night!
