Saturday, July 27, 2013

Farewell Delaware, 'Til Christmas

Saying 'Goodbye' and 'Thank You' to almost 23+ years of outdoor awesomeness and opportunities with the Delaware Nature Society.
First off had to say goodbye to two real jobs that brought me a lot of enjoyment and memories.  The Delaware Nature Society and Eastern Mountain Sports.  DNS was a bittersweet farewell.  After being there for so long as a participant, volunteer, and core-staff, I was more than ready to 'fledge' the DNS nest.  But at the same time, it was a really sad hit to be leaving not just co-workers and volunteers, but a HUGE family of people I've come to respect, admire, look up to, and most of all, love.  DNS is an extended home-land, and I cannot thank that organization enough for helping find my niche in the environmental education and outdoor recreational world!
Not only was DNS a job for me, but it became such a family.  Love, Hate, and Work all in One.  I wouldn't change that for the world.
Eastern Mountain Sports was a very wonderful experience.  I always thought that working retail would be very tiring and not fun, but working at a store that specializes in activities that I enjoy participating in, was hard at times, but very fun and entertaining!  Working with individuals that ALL love to be outdoors and do activities that get you out of a comfort zone and dirty at times was an incredible interest to have in common.  I'm gonna miss my EMS boys and Kristen very much.  Hopefully they will keep their word and visit me out west!

Leaving behind fellow co-workers, my volunteers, my counselors, and my counselors that have become interns was really hard.  But this farewell is not at all final, and I am excited to be able to take what I learn and experience over the next 11 and half months (for sure) and bring back some awesome stories, ideas, and what not back to the east coast!

Went to visit Lana and found this Ancient Artifact, the GameBoy Color!
Meeting Odie at Brenna's.  Such a little gem!
Gonna miss one of my favorite Land Management boys at Ashland.
Let me tell you, packing, whether it was moving out of my apartment, moving back home, going to college, or whatever, is my LEAST FAVORITE thing to do in the world.  It is so overwhelming.  I never really want to officially move.  Well...I take that back, I just don't want to ever pack.  It was pretty stressful to decide what was NECESSARY, what was something I couldn't live without, or what was needed for such and such.  The mantra was...'is this really necessary' and 'will this fit in the car' was constantly asked in my head.  Not to mention, the looks Dad gave me when I would bring down a box from my room.  Saying goodbye to my plants was so sad!! My little babies!  I hope my Mom talks to them to keep them entertained!

Saying Goodbye to my Little Flora Babies!  I hope my mom takes care of them while I'm away.
Not just trying to pack all of my warm-winter clothes and gear, camping gear and equipment, and school related odds and ends, you always need to bring something along that is good for your soul.  Clearly, I had to bring some things that reminded me of home.  Some stupid and silly, but when you look it at, you get some signs of hope and happiness.  Couldn't forget to bring some of Brenna's mom's honey, the Blue Bird carving from one of my favorite volunteers, Gordon Fisher, a hat from the Middle Run Tree Planting, and chocolate.  Don't judge me.

Clearly my priorities are still in line when it comes to what I must bring to Wyoming.
After about 2 days worth of packing, unpacking, sorting, and making a list of what I needed and what I was bringing, Little Blue was finally packed and ready to make the first portion of my trip to the Grand Tetons.  And I think I did pretty well for myself!  And if I didn't bring it...opps, it'll be fine.
I think Little Blue is good to go and ready for the 2,800+ mile trip out west!
A little friend to prepare me for the real thing in Wyoming.  The day I see a real moose.  My life will be complete!
After saying goodbye to the parents and the brother :( I was aiming to leave around 6:30pm, my journey was put to a halt when I sat in traffic right before the bridge into New Jersey...finally made it to Asbury Park, NJ around 10:00pm to see the second set of a wonderful band and close friends, the Accidental Seabirds!  So good!
At 6:30pm, I started my journey...only to be placed in an hour's worth of traffic on I-95N right before the Delaware Memorial Bridge into New Jersey.
Asbury Park - To Be Continued...

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