Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Chilly Day in the Tetons

First, Shout Out to My Mom!
Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!!
Wish I was there. :(
Love You!

This week, the entire cohort has been stationed on the Kelly Campus for our second and final week of Place-Based Education.  The best part about this, besides learning different place-based educational theories and methods, is that we get some great views and some time to explore around the campus.  Enjoy the photos from yesterday and today. :)

This was taken yesterday morning, a beautiful sunrise on Linda's Anniversary.
This was this morning's sunrise...extraordinarily gorgeous.
When hanging out in my 'special spot' for place-based education,
I found this next to me: evidence of beaver activity!
After class today, Mandy, Annie, and I took a 3.4 mi walk up and down Ditch Creek Road (basically from Kelly Campus to the end of the road and back).  Saw about 8 moose along the way, but the view of the Tetons was really pretty today.  So I took some photos, of course!

Starting the Sunset on Ditch Creek Road

Closer View
Alright...so since the winter season is upon us, not only is there snow, but there is ice...and well, since I am learning all things and activities that are snow related...maybe I should learn how to skate?!

So first, must try to skate with hiking boots!

TheChristyBel attempting to skate with her hiking boots!
Hope you enjoyed some moments from the past two days!

Going Down!


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos as always!! (The mountains are one of the things I miss most after my trip to AZ this August. I sure wish DE had some! At least we have some hills...) Were you really falling in that last picture? It just looks like you were posing again. :)

    1. I know, I am so grateful we have at least hills. I would not enjoy just having a flat plains for miles on end. Oh, and I was not falling in my last photo, it was totally posed!! Although I did fall this morning walking out of my cabin...so much snow and ice on this cold day! Only in the mid-30s today!
