Friday, May 6, 2016

Upcycling an Arm Chair

The other day, I picked up a very hideous chair from the Mountain House that the hotel was giving away. Besides having a broken arm, I thought this chair still had potential for a second life. I thought, "Hey, I could take it home and totally add some new fabric, and a paint job, and it could totally be my new chair..." Little did I know how hard, stressful, painful, and challenging this project would be.

Let me guide you through this challenging project's journey:

Step 1: Examine this chair and determine what needs to be done. Remove all studs, rip off all fabric, unstaple everything, paint wooden exposed areas, will it need new padding, clean every nook and cranny! Ugh...this is going to suck, I just know it!

Step 2: After removing over 50 studs and several hundred staples, there is a skeleton to this chair. Kinda gross underneath! Please note this was my LEAST FAVORITE part! Not to mention, my hands are so much closer to being arthritic.

Step 3: Pick out some fabric and start to pinch, clamp, pull, and re-staple said fabric on a freshly painted and dried chair skeleton. Also note, make sure you put geometry into consideration. Clearly, I did many of the images were not centered.

Step 4: The bottom...added a fresh, new pad. I had to cut it to the shape of the seat of the chair. Once pads were set, stretch fabric, pull fabric, clamp, make it tight, staple, and staple!

Step 5: And covering the undercarriage...using some mesh fabric, making sure you seal and cover all the mess. Yes, this was a messy process, but once you cover it all and conceal it in the seat, it turns into a....

Step 6: Beautiful, new chair for the house!

What do you think?!

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