Monday, January 6, 2014

Back in the Forever West...

Saturday, January 4th, 2014, I traveled back to the Forever West to start my Winter Semester with the Teton Science Schools.  Although I am very excited to continue with this graduate program, two weeks back on the East Coast was clearly not enough time to be with family and friends.  I did not even make a significant indent in the list of people or activities I wanted to do or see while I was home.  Wah.

I had never traveled during the winter holidays, I had no idea how hectic and crazy my journey back west would be.  Arriving at the Philadelphia Airport, I discovered large amounts of people with flight delays, cancellations, and camping out waiting for updated information on their travelling paths.  It was really hectic and very overwhelming.  Luckily, my flight was relatively 'untouched' except for minor delays that were caused be de-icing, additional fuel being added to the aircraft, and multiple requests for volunteers to give up their seats for a weight restriction.  So crazy!

Greeted by Denver with light snow and ice!
My first part of my westward journey was flying into the Denver Airport.  Denver was experiencing some nasty snow and was being constantly plowed and the planes were being constantly de-iced.  It was a stressful time flying into the airport, sifting through congestion at gates and landing/take off strips, and waiting patiently for other passengers to recollect themselves and get off planes in orderly fashions.  I was so worried that I was going to miss my flight into Jackson Hole, but luckily my flight was not the only flight that was delayed getting into Denver that all connecting flights out of the city were then delayed as well.  Which was convenient...sort of.

Beautiful Snow Peaked Mountains!
My flight from Denver to Jackson Hole is a really beautiful flight.  Unlike traveling to or from the East, where there is more flat land and more prominent cities, traveling west to Jackson Hole flies over beautiful mountain ranges and lots of really cool river systems.  I could not stop looking out of my window to just admire the natural geological landscape that has been carved into the Earth and how visible they are with the snow covering them.

Beautiful River Carvings!
Flying over and into Jackson Hole, I totally lost my barrings are how we flew in...I think we did a little 'U' as we were flying in.

Nearing Jackson Hole Airport - Overlooking I believe part of the Teton National Park!
A HUGE Thank You to Hazel and Joe!  They stayed on the Kelly Campus for the holiday break, so they said they would water and watch my plants for me!  And not only did they watch over my plants, but they turned my heat on when I returned to campus, picked me up from the airport, AND...shoveled out my cabin!  I love those two so much! Thank you so much Hazel and Joe!

Cloudveil received lots of snow over the break...
My cabin is the 'go-to' place where plowed snow will go...and after what, two months of plowing, my cabin has the best snow fort barrier wall in front of it!  We could totally have a snow ball fight and I would have the best place to hide!  I would totally win!

Thank You to Hazel for Shoveling Out a Path Upon My Return
Upon my return to the Kelly Campus, not only was I surprised with a shoveled out, WARM cabin, but I had a present waiting for me!  Christine sent me a gift from Los Angeles!  So cute and nice of her! Hello Kitty Hot Chocolate (don't hate), glow sticks, green jasmine tea!, a new tea infuser, some other goodies, and....

Late Birthday / Winter Wonderland Care Package From Christine
MACAROONS!  Oh my gosh, one of my favorites!  So delicious!  So excited I got these!

With Macaroons Included!
Coming back and settling in from being in the comforts of home was hard.  I was happy to come back to the Tetons and get back into school, but not ready for the work that comes along with it, and well, was not ready to leave everyone back home.  I just got to see them after being away from them for 6-months! Wah.

Settling Back Into My Cabin - My New Moose From Luke
Sunday morning, I TRIED...repeat, I tried to sleep in...did not happen since I felt like I was still on Eastern Standard Time...but I woke up to a light snow and was able to indulge in some of my holiday gifts!  So for breakfast, I had some of the tea Brenna gave me in my new moose mug given to me by my grandmother, Phyllis, along with Mom's famous banana bread, while listening to the Hawaiian music Christine sent me in my care package - all while watching the snow fall!  So relaxing!

Sunday Morning - Indulging in my Holiday Gifts
Monday morning brought the start to class in the new year, starting with our second week of Winter Ecology in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  Not only did Monday bring class, but some really cold weather.  Look at that comparison in the photo...Kelly, WY gets negative degree temperatures and light snow while Newark, DE is getting 'warmer' temperatures and rain....not sure which weather I would prefer! haha.

Monday Morning's Temperature Comparison
More updates to come about class and life back in the Tetons!

Welcome Back to the Forever West, Miss Bel!

1 comment:

  1. So perhaps you missed the part where we had temperature of 4 degrees and wind chill -16!
